Monday, April 4, 2011


Ex5: 1.beak 2.feathers 3.fur 4.paws 5.ears 6.tail
Ex10: 2.kittens 3.hen 4.chicks 6.puppies 8.ducklings
Ex12: 1.An elephant 2.on the plains in Africa and India night
4.because it has got strong legs 5.about 3.1metres
5.about 3.3metres 6.four 7.about 4.000 kilos 8.about 60 years
What's this animal? it's parrot,dog and zebra
What color is it? it's red,white and grey and white and dark
How big is it? it's small,quite big and very big
How long are its ears? there are short, quite long and very long
How long is its tail? it's very long, quite short and short
Ex15: goose-geese, mouse-mice, ox-oxen, sheep-sheep, deer-deer
fish-fish, man-men, woman-women , child-children, person-people
Ex16: 1.What's this animal? it's a fish. Can fish run? No, fish can't run
2.What's this animal? it's a deer. Have deer got short legs?
No, deer haven't got short legs
3.What's this animal? it's a duck. Have ducks got whiskers?
No, ducks haven't got whiskers
4.What's this animal? it's a sheep. Can sheep fly? No,sheep can't fly
Ex20: 1.What's 2.kinds 3.female 4.How old 5.two

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