Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tipping in America – Америкид цайны мөнгө өгөхдөө:

-Americans take tipping more seriously than any other nationality, and of all Americans, no one takes tipping as seriously as hotel bellboys do.
- Америкийн зочид буудлуудын үйлчлэгчид нь цайны мөнгө өгөхдөө нэгэн адил биш Америк үндэс үндэстнээрээ өөр өөр байдаг.
-Tip your bellboy generously, and you’ll have the perfect holiday. Don’t tip him; and you’ll have the worst holiday of your life!
- Таньд сайхан сэтгэлтэй үйлчлэгч үйлчилбэл таний амралт төгс сайхан байх болно. Түүнд яавал цайны мөнгө өгөхгүй вэ, таний амралт онцгүй байвал.
-Guests who don’t tip well at hotels often find that the heating in their room “accidentally” stops working in the middle of winter, or that they receive strange phone calls in the middle of the night.
- Өвлийн дунд үед зочид буудал дах зочиддын өрөөны халаалтыг санамсаргүйгээр зогсоох ажилчин ба эсвэл шөнө дунд үед дуудлага хүлээн авагчдад цайны мөнгө өгөхгүй.
-Sometimes the keys for their room “disappear” and it seems that no one can find the spare keys.
- Заримдаа тэдний өрөөний тэлхүүрүүдийг алга болгосон тохиолдолд олж өгсөн хэн нэгэнд цайны мөнгө өгдөг.
-It’s a good idea to tip a bellboy at least $5 and for tips of $20 or more, your bellboy will be your friend forever. So, anyone who is planning to stay in an American hotel should remember-bellboys can make sure you have the holiday of your dreams-or they can make your visit a night mare!
- Үйлчлэгч таньд сайхан санагдвал 5-10 доллар өгдөг эсвэл үйлчлэгч таньд үүрдийн найз шиг чинь санагдвал өгнө. Иймээс Америкийн зочид буудалд буудалхад үйлчлэгч нь таний төвлөлсөн шиг итгэл төрүүлтэл чинь сайхан санагдвал таний амралт мөрөөдсөн шиг чинь байх болно эсвэл тэд таний хар дарсан зүүд шиг чинь зочилж чадна.

Monday, April 18, 2011


-Ulaanbaatar is the largest city in Mongolia. This capital is in the centre of Mongolia. It’s also home half Mongolian’s population and ger district.


- The hotels in Ulaanbaatar are more expensive also Ulaanbaatar’s hotels are clean and safe. Mongolian’s the biggest hotels are Ulaanbaatar hotel and Chinggis hotel etc. Ulaanbaatar hotel is a five-star hotel in the centre of the town.

Place to visit:
- There are many interesting places you can visit,

for sightseeing.

You can also see the Gandan monastery, Zaisan and commemorative statne etc.

there have a lot of for sightseeing.
Zaisan Hill War Memorial. Also you can go for a peaceful walk along the street.

Eating out:

- There are some fantastic restaurants in Ulaanbaatar too. Mongolian national’s food very delicious.

Also have a lot of counties restaurants in Ulaanbaatar. A visit there is always unforgettable.


- You can buy cheap clothes from bazaar. Then go to the expensive shops on State department store , UB mart, and Gobi etc. Gobi is made in Mongolian national clothes.

Example made in fresh of wool clothes .


- Ulaanbaatar is a small town but there many nightclubs, theatre , cinema, and museum.
Have an early dinosaur bone in museum.

Don’t miss the chance to visit Ulaanbaatar! There is never a dull moment.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

In the Public Eye Ард түмний нүд

-They are young, talented and famous. They are the Backstreet Boys, or BSB for short, an all-boy band from America.
-Тэд залуу, авъяаслаг мөн алдартай. Тэд бол Бэкстрийт Бойс товчилж бичвэл BSB, тэд Америкаас гарсан эрэгтэй хамтлаг.
-The band started with Howie Dorough, AJ McLean and Nick Carted.
-Тус хамтлагийн үүсгэгчид нь Хови Дороу, Эй Жи Мслийн мөн Ник картерь юм.
-AJ worked as a model when he was six. He also acted in school plays. When he was fourteen, he got to know Howie. Howie had roles in films and plays. They became friends and went to auditions together. They met Nick at one of those auditions. Nick’s parents had a disco and Nick used to dance there. The three of them started singing together for a record company called Transcontinental Records.
-Эй Жи 6 настайгаасаа загвараар явдаг байсан. Тэр бас сургуулийнхаа жүжиглэсэн тоглолтонд ордог байсан. Тэр Ховийг 14 настайгаасаа эхлэн мэддэг болсон. Хови кинонд дүр бүтээдэг байсан. Тэд хамтдаа хэсэгчилсэн тоглолтонд явсанаар найзууд болсон. Тэд хэсэгчилсэн тоглолтын үеэр тэдний нэг болох Никтэй уулзсан. Никийн эцэг эх нь цэнгээний газартай байсан бөгөөд тэнд Ник бүжиглэдэг байлаа. Тэдний 3 нь анх Трансконтентал Рекорд гэдэг дуу бичлэгийн компанид дуулж ихэлсэн.
-The record company owner, Lou Perlman, had a friend who knew Kevin Richardson. Kevin had a job at Disney World in Orlando at the time. When Lou’s friend told Kevin about the new group, Kevin decided to meet them. The four became friends and Kevin joined the group. Lou wanted one more person for the group. The fifth member was Brian Littrell, Kevin’s cousin.
-Тус дуу бичлэгийн компанийн эзэмшигч нь Луй Пэрлман нь Кэвин Ричардсонтой найзууд байсан. Кэвин тэр үед Орландагийн Дисней волдод ажилдаг байлаа. Луй Кэвинд 1 шинэ хамтлагийн тухай хэлсэнээр Кэвин тэдэнтэй уулзхаар шийдсэн. Кэвин тус хамтлагтай нэгдсэнээр тэд 4-үүлээ болсон. Луй тэр хамтлагийн 1 болохыг хүсдэг байлаа. 5 дахь гишүүн нь Кэвинийн нагац ах Бриан Литрэл юм.
-BSB released their first album in 1996. They received their first gold record in Germany for this album. A second album followed in late 1997.
-BSB тэдний анхны цомог нь 1996 онд хэвлэгдэн гарсан. Тэд Германаас анхны алтан цомгоо хүлээн авсан. 1997 онд 2 дахь цомгоо араас нь гаргасан.
-BSB have got fans in many countries. Do you want to write to them? Their address is: Backstreet Boys, Post Office Box 618203, Orlando, FL 32861-8203.
-BSB нь орон оронд маш олон шүтэн бишрэгчтэй. Чи тэдэнтэй харилцахыг хүсэж байна уу? Тэдний хаяг нь: Бэкстрийт Бойс, Шуудангийн хайрцаг 618203, Орланда, FL 32861-8203.

A Fairy - Tale Princess Гүнжийн шидэт үлгэр

-It was like a fairy tale when the beautiful young girl married the Prince and became the Princess of Wales. Unlike a fairy tale, the happiness soon ended, but Diana was still The People’s Princess.
-Залуухан үзэсгэлэнтэй охин Вальсийн гүнж болохоосоо өмнө хунтайжтай гэрэлсэн нь үлгэрийн юм шиг байсан. Гэвч энэ нь үлгэрээс өөр байсан нь тун удалгүй төгссөн юм, гэвч Диана ард түмний гүнж хэвээр байсан юм.
-Diana Frances Spencer was born on 1st July, 1961, in Norfolk, England. Her father was Earl Spenser. She had two older sisters and a younger brother. Her pa rents divorced when she was a young girl. As a child, Diana studied at a boarding school in Kent. She completed her education in Switzerland. When she worked to England she returned as a nanny in London.
-Диана Вранц Спэнсэр нь 1961 оны 7 сарын 1нд Английн Норволк-д төрсөн. Түүний аав Эрил Спэнсэр. Тэр 2 эгч 1 эрэгтэй дүүтэй. Эцэг эх нь түүнийг бага байхад нь салсан. Диана Кэнтэд сурагчдын байранд сурдаг байсан. Тэр Шивцард боловсрол эзэмшсэн. Тэр Лондонгоос Англируу асрагч эгчтэйгээ буцан ирж ажилсан.
-Diana married Prince Charles in July, 1981, at St Paul’s Cathedral in London. People all around the world watched her wedding on television. Charles and Diana had two sons , William and Harry.
-Диана 1981 оны 7 сард Лондонд гэгээн Паулийн дуганд хунтайж Чарлистай гэрэлсэн. Дэлхийн бүх хүмүүс тэдний гэрлэлтийг зурагтаар үзсэн. Чарлис Диана 2 Вилам мөн Хари хэмээх 2 хүүтэй.
-Diana was very popular. The British loved her for her kindness and beauty . They called her “The People’s Princess ” because she cared so much about sick and poor people all over the world. She once said “ I see myself as a princess for the world, not the Princess of Wales. ” Reporters were always around her. She was their favourite person .
-Диана бол маш алдартай. Британчууд түүний сайхан сэтгэл үзэсгэлэн гоод нь хайртай. Тэд хэлэхдээ: “ Тэр ард түмний гүнж ” яагаад гэвэл тэр дэлхий дээрх өвчтэй мөн ядуу бүх хүмүүсд тусалсан. Тэр 1 удаа хэлэхдээ: “ Би өөрийгөө Вальсийн гүнж биш дэлхийн гүнж гэж хардаг ” . Сурвалжлагч нар түүний эргэн тойронд байдаг. Тэр тэдний дуртай хүн.
-But Diana’s life wasn’t as happy as it appeared. She and Charles had problems with their marriage. They finally divorced in August, 1996.
-Гэвч Дианагийн амьдрал харагдаж байгаа шигээ тийм ч аз жаргалтай байгаагүй. Чарлис тэр 2-ийн гэрлэлт асуудалтай байсан. Тэд 1996 оны 8 сард салсан.
-Diana continued to travel round the world and help those in need. But her life was short she died in a car accident on 31st August, 1997, in Paris. She was only thirty- six years old.
-Диана дэлхийгээр аялах аялалаа үргэлжлүүлж тэдэнд хэрэгтэй зүйлсээр тусалсан. Гэвч түүний амьдрал богинохон байсан тэр 1997 оны 8 сарын 31ны өдөр Парисд машины осолоор нас барсан. Тэр зөвхөн 36 настай байлаа.

Monday, April 4, 2011


Ex4: 1-divorced 2-studied 3-completed 4-worked 5-returned 6-married
7-watched 8-loved 9-called 10-cared 11-said
12-appeared 13-continued 14-died
Ex11: 1-an, in 2-in 3-at 4-to 5-at 6-on 7-with 8-round 9-in 10-in 11-of
Ex13: 1-was 2-studied 3-returned 4-worked 5-married 6-had
7-discovered 8-received 9-died 10-was 11-died
Ex16: 1. love-b.learned 2. started-c.was 3. tour-a.invited
4. admired-d.playing 5. married-d.had 6. continued-e.died


Ex7: 1.on 2.at 3.at 4.in 5.in 6.in front of 7.back 8.off 9.across
Ex9: 1.opposite 2.between 3.next to 4.in front of 5.on
Ex10: 1.can 2.of left 3.next to
Ex13: 1.were 2.wasn't 3.was 4.were 5.was 6.was 7.was 8.wasn't
9.were 10.was 11.were 12.was 13.was
Ex14: 1.Did they have hot air balloons? Yes, they had
2.Did they have TV's? No, they didn't
3.Did they have typewriters? Yes, they had
4.Did they have computers? No, they didn't
5.Did they have telephones? No, they didn't
6.Did they have cars? No, they didn't
7.Did they have compact discs? No, they didn't
Ex16: A 1-brick 2-narrow 3-baths 4-dolls
b 1-was 2-had 3-weren't 4-weren't 5-were 6-had 7-were 8-were
9-could 10-couldn't 11-were 12-were 13-had 14-had 15-had 16-had 17-was
c 1-b 2-c 3-a 4-b 5-c 6-b
Ex17: 1-can, can't, could, were, couldn't
2-have got, haven't got, couldn't, was
3-are, weren't, is, weren't, were, aren't, are
4-was, has got, hasn't got, has got, hasn't got
5-didn't have, had, had, can